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New NSGIC Blog

Mike Mahaffie writes to say that the National States Geographic Information Council (NSGIC) has just started up a new blog, posting on geographic issues of interest to state governments. The main NSGIC website is worth a look as well, to see what projects and initiatives are currently under way. From the NSGIC website About page:

“The National States Geographic Information Council (NSGIC) is an organization committed to efficient and effective government through the prudent adoption of geospatial information technologies (GIT). Members of NSGIC include senior state geographic information system (GIS) managers and coordinators. Other members include representatives from federal agencies, local government, the private sector, academia and other professional organizations. A rich and diverse group, the NSGIC membership includes nationally and internationally recognized experts in geospatial information technologies, data creation and management as well as information technology policy.”

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